Other Canary Islands

  HIKING with Spanien Aktiv http://www.spanien-aktiv.com/wanderreisen   HIKING on EL HIERRO with HierroHoliday http://www.hierroholiday.com/

La Gomera Island

  GARAJONAY NATIONAL PARK http://www.parquesnacionalesdecanarias.com/es/Garajonay ISLAND GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT TOURISM Inicio TYPICAL FOOD OF LA GOMERA http://www.alimentosdelagomera.com TRANSPORT http://www.guaguagomera.com/ Taxi San Sebastian (Antonio) 0034 699...

Guided Trekking

Discover the island of La Gomera firsthand together with other nature lovers. For small groups we offer our selfguided trekking packages also accompanied by a local guide. We descend into deep valleys, hike through formerly cultivated terrace fields, and pass by a...