HIKING with Spanien Aktiv http://www.spanien-aktiv.com/wanderreisen HIKING on EL HIERRO with HierroHoliday http://www.hierroholiday.com/
GARAJONAY NATIONAL PARK http://www.parquesnacionalesdecanarias.com/es/Garajonay ISLAND GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT TOURISM Inicio TYPICAL FOOD OF LA GOMERA http://www.alimentosdelagomera.com TRANSPORT http://www.guaguagomera.com/ Taxi San Sebastian (Antonio) 0034 699...
Discover the island of La Gomera firsthand together with other nature lovers. For small groups we offer our selfguided trekking packages also accompanied by a local guide. We descend into deep valleys, hike through formerly cultivated terrace fields, and pass by a...